Schools and Teachers:
Carpinteria Family School (Canalino School Campus)
Lori Lee Collins
Carpinteria, CA Costa Verde International School
Tim Baldwin
Sayulita, Mexico California schools co-adopting the drifters: Mt. View (5th grade), Goleta Family School (4-6th), Brandon (5th), Monroe (4th), Franklin (4th), Adalente (4th, 6th), Foothill (4th), Carpinteria Family School (5th, 6th), Canalino (5th), Kellogg (6th), Cleveland (4th, 6th), Quetzal HS, La Cuesta HS. Deployment Date: January 11, 2014
Ocean: Pacific
Ocean WMO ID Buoy Serial# Deployment Date
Pacific 46926
January 11, 2014
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Maps or Measurements:

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Map showing drifter track dates

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CSV Table of measurements
Drifter Variable:

Sea Surface Temperature