Schools and Teachers:
    Santa Catalina High School
    Monterey, California
    Christian Reilly
    Colegio Loyola-Santo Domingo
    Dominican Republic
    Diana Alejandra Murcia Sterling
    Istituto Istruzione Secondaria Superiore "Michele Fodera" Agrigento (I.I.I.S.S. "M. Fodera")
    Manno Antonino and Danille Erica
Deployment Date: September 25, 2012
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
Ocean: Pacific
Ocean WMO ID Buoy Serial# Deployment Date
Pacific 46911 118531 September 25, 2012
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Maps or Measurements:

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Map showing drifter track dates

Table of measurements

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CSV Table of measurements
Drifter Variable:

Sea Surface Temperature