Schools and Teachers:
Ocean View Secondary School
Mr. Hendrick Salmonds
Cape Town, South Africa U.S. scientists: Dr. Meghan Cronin
NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
Dr. Lisa Beal
University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science
Deployment Date: February 19, 2013
Location: Agulhas Current
Ocean: Indian
Ocean WMO ID Buoy Serial# Deployment Date
Indian 16580
February 19, 2013
Select from the Map or Measurements
Select an option from "Maps or Measurements" below to view a map of the drifter's track or data from the drifter.
Maps or Measurements:

Map showing measurements

Map showing drifter track dates

Table of measurements

View track on Google Earth

CSV Table of measurements
Drifter Variable:

Sea Surface Temperature